A recent article written by the Ocelot for the Star Wars issue of fanzine Journey Planet.
It is a time of great rejoicing across Cinemaland.
The young moviemaker George Lucas has captured the imagination of adults and children
alike with his smash hit Star Wars. Across the world, Star Wars toys, Star Wars
bubble gum cards and Star Wars comics are snapped up by eager fans. Some people
even read Splinter Of The Mind's Eye.
But a new threat looms on the horizon. A shadowy
empire called CBS, envious of the movie's success, seduces young Lucas to the Dark
Side of Television, convincing him that what the world really needs is a ninety-minute
Star Wars Holiday Special…
An ill-conceived made-for-TV
extravaganza made (initially) with George Lucas' blessing, but none of his flair
for the epic, the Star Wars Holiday Special took up a full two hours of CBS' primetime
slot on the Friday before Thanksgiving, 1978. Now infamous as one of, if not the, worst things ever to befoul the small
screen, it has never been repeated.
Of course none of us in
Britain knew anything about this at the time. November 17th 1978 was
just another day for us. While TV viewers across the Atlantic were reeling under
the soul-sapping onslaught of the Star Wars Holiday Special, we were probably watching
Edward & Mrs Simpson, or Cheggers Plays Pop. Lucky us. Later though, rumours
of a fabled Star Wars television programme reached the ears of young British Star
Wars fans. Another Star Wars film?, we
thought, in those long, lean years between Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace,
That sounds awesome. How can we find a way
to watch it?
But these were the pre-Internet
years. No YouTube, no Google, no Wikipedia, no IMDB. If you didn't see something
when it was broadcast, you'd pretty much missed it, unless it was later released
on videotape or later DVD. And as it happens someone had taped it. Some poor, trusting, hopeful soul, probably thinking they'd
be getting another cool helping of droids, space battles, explosions and lightsabers;
something to tide them over until The Empire Strikes Back came out. Star Wars completists
and masochists the world over have come to thank and curse this unknown archivist
for preserving the Star Wars Holiday Special for posterity when many, Lucas included,
would rather it be eradicated from the memory of mankind. Only the foolhardy, the
insane or those with incredibly low viewing standards would ever voluntarily sit
through it in its entirety.
Which is why when James
asked if there was anything I'd like to write for the Journey Planet Star Wars issue,
I immediately thought of making my friends watch the Star Wars Holiday Special with
me, and recording our experiences for your entertainment and education. So join
me, Maisie, Ian and CJ as we waste ninety minutes of our lives that we will never
get back.
And remember: We watched
it so you don't have to.
* * *
H: …so I thought why not
watch the Star Wars Holiday Special? We haven't seen it for ages -
I: There's a reason for that.
H: We can talk through the
bad bits.
M: That means we'll be talking
for the next 97 minutes.
CJ, with his professional
background in law-enforcement procedure, feels obliged to go on record:
C: Statement of CJ Hooper,
the date is the 21st of March 2018. I've not seen the Star Wars Holiday Special.
I have seen the first 5 minutes many years ago and then stopped -
I: Wise man.
C: What you're doing today
amounts to abuse. You shouldn't do this to a child, even if he's 40 years old.
M: I also haven't seen the
Star Wars Holiday Special. I fast forwarded through to the good bits. They never
H: Ian, you're the only one
in the room to have seen it in its entirety because I weakened last time.
I: I have seen the whole
thing once, and bits of it again for some reason, but I couldn't bring myself to
watch it again - it's too awful.
H: Until now!
H: I got hold of this in
the days when if you wanted to see things you had to track down bootlegs.
H: That's how I tracked down
the Roger Corman's Fantastic Four film and the Slaves of Jedikiah Tomorrow People
serial, both on VHS. And I got the Star Wars Holiday Special on a DVD from a bloke
at a comic convention.
This was back in the 20th
century before comic cons were full of skinny kids dressed up as Deadpool and Harley
Quinn, buying bobble head toys and getting Tyler Mane autographs. Back when it was
just a smelly hotel room full of misfits such as myself riffling through actual
boxes of actual comics.
M: And you could only get
this as a bootleg because Lucas said he wanted to track every copy and destroy it.
I: Is that actually true?
H: He's quoted as saying "If I had time and a hammer I'd track down every bootleg copy and destroy it." But of course the genie's out of the bottle these days and we could all just go onto YouTube and watch it.
H: He's quoted as saying "If I had time and a hammer I'd track down every bootleg copy and destroy it." But of course the genie's out of the bottle these days and we could all just go onto YouTube and watch it.
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Hammer time |
Poor old George, in those
innocent pre-Internet days when you actually stood a remote chance.
H: Now, this particular bootleg
DVD comes not only with the Star Wars Holiday Special itself, but also the Muppet
Show episode featuring the Star Wars characters
I: Is that the one with Luke
and the droids? I remember it. And it's far superior to the Holiday Special as I
We play the first few seconds
of the Muppet Show episode to confirm this.
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Watch this instead |
I: You'll come to wish for
that fast forward button
I: We who are about to die
salute you...
M: I'd just like to say it's
particularly poor of you to do this to us on a weeknight when we can't have a drinkie.
And so it begins.
M: Woo.
We open with stock footage
of the Millennium Falcon leaving some planet. Captain Solo and his furry co-pilot
are doing frantic things in the cockpit. A couple of star destroyers are firing
in pursuit.
I: Hey, it's Han and Chewie!
What could possibly go wrong?
H: What the hell was Harrison
Ford thinking…
I: He gives it a good go.
It's a shame he's not in it more, because he might have saved this colossal turd.
Ford continues to deliver
all the plot exposition while Chewie makes his usual 'wet goat' noises. They make
the jump to lightspeed and we get the good ol' Star Wars theme, accompanied by a
jolly voiceover introducing the stars.
CJ stands to salute.
A headshot of Mark Hamill
wearing what looks like a leftover pageboy blond wig from Village of the Damned.
His face appears to be covered in thick orangey foundation. There is an outburst
of laughter from the sofa.
H: What, what is he wearing
on his head? He looks like a Von Trapp.
FORCE FACT: The Star Wars
Holiday Special was made some 22 months after Mark Hamill's car accident in Jan
1977 which left him with facial injuries, which may have accounted for what the
OTT hair and makeup.
H: Oh, Carrie Fisher's face.
Look at her eyes. Was she actually off her face on drugs during all this?
I: Apparently.
H: I know we're all supposed
to revere her like Space Princess Diana these days -
I: That's because people
don't remember this.
FORCE FACT: Fisher is on
record as having graduated from alcohol abuse and marijuana to LSD at this time.
She would have moved on to cocaine by the time of The Empire Strikes Back.
Voiceover: "...and Artoo
Detoo as himself."
H: Kenny Baker wasn't in
Artoo for the Star Wars Holiday Special. It was just the radio-controlled version.
So Baker at least narrowly escapes with his dignity intact.
Now we get to meet the
show's 'guest stars' in a series of headshots. First, Chewbacca's Wookie family;
Malla the missus, his dad Itchy and his son Lumpy.
I: Hooray for Chewbacca's
H: The real break-out stars.
Voiceover: "His wife
I: 'His'. Sorry, CJ.
Voiceover: "His father,
H: As played by Uncle Jesse
from the Dukes of Hazzard.
We then move on to the
'special guest stars', a very odd mix of ageing sitcom stars and a couple of pop
Voiceover: "Beatrice
H: For us Brits, this woman
didn't exist before The Golden Girls.
Voiceover: "Art Carney."
H: I had no idea who Art
Carney was at the time. Didn't know he was the other bloke in The Honeymooners,
More interestingly, he played the villainous Archer in the Adam West Batman.
We also see all-round entertainer
Diahann Carroll, 'The' Jefferson Starship (sans Grace Slick) and Mel Brooks alumnus
Harvey Korman, who for his sins will play no less than three different roles in
the Star Wars Holiday Special.
There is a brief glimpse
of a cartoon Boba Fett whanging off a blaster bolt atop some sort of dinosaur. CJ
gives out a little whoop.
I: Even that's not worth
it. You'd think it's worth it for the historic first appearance of Boba Fett, but
CJ bemoans the lack of
Edward of Wickham.
The show proper starts.
We get an interesting shot
of a Wookie treehouse on the planet Kashyyyk.
H: I quite like this drawing?
Painting? Set?
I: Yeah, it's good. It's
We then get five totally
dialogue-free minutes of three Wookies pissing about in their treehouse. Uncle Jesse
is whittling away at something, smacking his gummy chops, the bloody annoying proto-Ewok
kid is running around with his wooden X-wing toy making more wet goat noises and
Ma Bacca is in the kitchen.
H: For some reason they decided
that the best way to start a Star Wars Holiday Special is with a totally non-verbal
family of bigfoots.
I: Yeah, that was definitely
the best way.
Itchy shifts around in
his La-Z-Boy, grunting and smacking his toothless underbite.
H: Honestly, look at Granpa.
He scares the bejesus out of me.
C: Isn't that Harry Enfield's
character in Upstart Crow?
We stop the recording briefly
while I go into a spontaneous rant about the mildly disappointing Not-Blackadder
sitcom Upstart Crow.
Itchy continues to gum
H: My god, Granpa and his
mouth. My Grandad used to do that when he took his teeth out.
Malla is wearing a long
pinny because she's not only a subject of the evil Empire but also under the oppressive
hegemony of the Space Patriarchy.
I: It was the 70s! It was
OK then.
H: I notice that she's wearing
a pinny but her arse is hanging out the back. Her big hairy arse.
We try to work out what
the all-Wookie dialogue might mean.
H: I think Lumpy wants to
run away and join the rebels.
C: Or go and pick up some
power converters from Tosche Station. He can waste time with his friends when his
chores are done.
H: I swear Lumpy just went
'Aw, gee whiz.'
FORCE FACT: Apparently,
though he later distanced himself from the Star Wars Holiday Special, Lucas was
the one who came up with the idea of the Wookie family framing sequence, and went
so far as to present replacement director Steve Binder with a 'Wookie bible' of
their look and behaviour.
C: In the beginning, George
created Wookie
I: In the beginning, George
ripped off John Carter of Mars, Dune...
H: Hidden Fortress...
I: New Gods, Doctor Doom,
and many others.
Lumpy performs a perilous
high-wire along the handrail around the outside of the lofty treehouse, in a scene
loaded with more peril than when Antoni Karramanopolis fell to his death from the
top of a multi-storey car park in Grange Hill. This will prove to be the high point
of jeopardy in the entire Star Wars Holiday Special.
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Ee chee wa maa. |
H: Oh, Lumpy! Later on they
decided that they couldn't just be called Lumpy and Itchy, so they made them Lumpbacca
and Itchikaka, I think.
I: Is that like Blackagar
Boltagon of the Inhumans?
H: Exactly like that.
FORCE FACT: Lumpy's full
name is Lumpawarrump, and Itchy's is Attichitcuk. Malla's full
name is actually Mallatobuck, and not Mochachocalatayaya, as I once believed.
Back inside the treehouse,
there's some more unintelligible Wookie nonsense, with Malla and Itchy moping about
by a delightful G-Plan divider, pawing at a photo of the absent Chewie.
H: You have to feel sorry
for Malla, being saddled with this grotesque old freak. He's not even her dad.
C: I think he's actually
both their dads because Wookies are like that.
H: I don't like his Beaker
I: He's the Wookie Alf Garnett
FORCE FACT: For US readers,
Alf Garnett = Archie Bunker.
Still no intelligible dialogue.
H: Now CJ, as we're at the
eight-minute mark we're already into new territory for you. We're about to discover
what old Itchy gets up to when he's left to entertain his grandson on his own.
Lumpy runs back in and
hugs/dry-humps his granpa's leg, much to the grotesque Itchy's amusement.
H: You're not even a Wookie
Granpa. You're one of those Hoth guys.
I: Yeah, you wampa!
C: For the benefit of the
tape, the suspect has long white hair...
Itchy pulls out a C-90
audio cassette and plugs it into what looks like the holo chess table from the Millennium
Falcon. But sadly not. It's some sort of lycra-clad circus clown act, compete with
'quirky' musical tonalties.
I: Look at that gleam in
his eye!
H: They must have thought,
"Star Wars, that had a really cool living chess set game. Let's have that but
make it more... I dunno... Cirque de Soleil."
I: With a bit of Liberace
thrown in.
There's a green guy with
a bunch of feathers up his bum, and a couple of human Fireys from Labyrinth. Or
possibly orange poodles.
Lumpy's fuzzy upper lip
positively quivers with joy and excitement that absolutely nobody else is feeling.
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Chilly down |
H: The bloke who made Star
Wars Holiday Special, Steve Binder, had a number of TV specials under his belt,
like the '68 Elvis Comeback and a Diana Ross in Central Park. But he was in no way
a sci-fi director.
I: It's so obvious when you
look at it. It's very much of its time.
C: I tend to find that 'of
its time' is a general excuse for 'crap', be it rubbish dancing or racism.
I: You used to get these
sorts of variety shows.
H: Well, we did in Britain,
but I had no idea about America. If it was made over here, we'd have had Tom O'Connor
hosting. And probably Max Wall.
M: I'd like to say that music
(the bizarre synth tones of the Cirque de
Henson segment) is an assault upon the ears.
H: Imagine some kid in 1978
looking in the TV Guide and going, "Mom, Dad, remember Star Wars last year?
There's gonna be a TV show!". He would have out of his head with anticipation.
Then this comes on. It's been ten minutes so far of Wookie grunts and poodle people
doing crap dancing. I feel really sorry for that 1978 kid.
C: If you listen very carefully
you can hear the sound of my childhood breaking.
H: Do you know what shows
were knocked off the air that night on CBS to make way for this? Wonder Woman and
The Incredible Hulk. What a swiz.
FORCE FACT: It was shown
that night in the US and Canada, and later in Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Brazil,
Venezuela, Honduras, Argentina and France (in a shorter French-dubbed version which
I can only imagine in my more lurid cheese-nightmares). It was never repeated.
The crap circus act is
over. Lumpy pulls some bratty shit about having to do the washing up. Malla goes
over to her Space TRS-80 and checks the Kashyyyk inbound traffic report: no sign
of the Falcon yet.
M: So they can't speak English
but they can read it, is that right?
H: Should they be showing
us stuff in English? I mean, I don't want to be 'that guy' but obviously I am that
I: We need something in English
at this point. It's been all Wookie up to now.
H: Malla's all "Where's
that man o' mine? Him and his little shaven friend?"
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Free your lady Marmalade |
CJ makes an obscure reference
to an old sci-fi themed advert for saucepans, starring Sandra 'Trillian out of Hitchhikers'
Dickinson and off-screen husband Peter 'the bland Doctor' Davison.
Malla and Itchy go over
to the G-Plan divider and get out their Secret Rebel Two-way TV. And who do we see
on the screen? Well, it looks kinda like Luke Skywalker, kinda. And Artoo.
All we can look at is Mark
Hamill's face; Someone has clearly gone to a lot of trouble to give him lots of
mascara and eyeliner.
H: What kind of accident
was he in? Was it a car crash?
C: I think this is the car crash.
C: I think this is the car crash.
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A brick wall... a brick wall... I must think of a brick wall... |
Some alleged comedy ensues
with the Wookie clan all gabbling at once, while Luke tries to make out what they're
saying. Malla sends the excitable Lumpy away.
C: "I hate you! I didn't
want to be born a Wookie!"
Meanwhile the space gadget
Luke and Artoo have been repairing starts to hilariously belch smoke behind them.
H: Oh Artoo. You and your
M: To be fair, he did try
to tell Luke.
H: It's like they once saw
a British pantomime. "What's that Artoo? There's someone behind me? Can you
see it, boys and girls?"
Luke reminds us the audience
that Chewie is supposed to be getting back home for Life Day, and then apparently
coaxes a smile out of Malla's barely mobile fuzzy face.
H: Aw, look at her lovely
face. Gwendolyn Christie must be grateful that they didn't give this role in the
new films.
We discuss how come Luke
can speak Wookie and CJ points out that he's just got a shedload of XP from blowing
up the Death Star so probably used some of it on language slots.
I: What do they speak? Wookie?
H: Kashyyyki, I think.
I: Is that right?
H: No, I just made that up.
C: But Kashyyyk is their
planet. That's like saying we speak Earth.
H: Fair point. It's probably
wikki-wokki-wakka then.
The space gadget envelops
Luke and Artoo in a cloud of smoke. Artoo starts bleeping away at Luke excitedly.
H: Artoo, WTF man? I think
he's going "I'm done carrying you, fleshy one!"
The non-hilarious time
filler of watching Luke and Artoo on a very small screen comes to an end.
H: I do like the Wookies'
Spanish style chiminea. Very attractive.
C: That's where they do their
Wookie pizzas.
Malla goes back to the
Space TRS-80 and dials up a local trader's outpost. On the video we see a bucket-headed
Imperial goon sporting a Ned Flanders 'tache, browsing the goods on display.
M: That is a stupid hat.
Art Carney comes in dressed
as Space Gepetto, or possibly Han Solo's uncle.
FORCE FACT: He's a trader
called Saun Dann. And 'friend to the rebellion'.
There's some nonsense about
tiny aquariums.
Imperial Ned Flanders: "I
hate fish."
For some reason, Imperial
Ned seems to have been badly dubbed. Perhaps his original voice didn't lend the
Star Wars Holiday Special the gravitas that this show deserves.
M: (huskily) I am evil. Because
I talk like this.
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Hi-Diddily-Hoth |
Then Space Gepetto uses
clever 'coded language' to assure Malla that Chewie will be home soon. So basically
just the same as what Luke said.
H: Is Gepetto allowed to
refer to Chewie as a shaggy carpet?
I: Well, it's part of his
secret code, isn't it?
C: It's racist.
H: Yeah, I don't think non-Wookies
can use the S-C words.
M: Can I just point out that
I think Chewbacca's wife is far too young for him
H: How do you work out her
age, out of interest? Is it the lustre of her pelt?
M: Yes.
I: Well, we know Chewie's
about 150 years old.
M: And he's still running
around butt naked (apart from his bandolier).
H: I think he's going through
his midlife crisis. The Falcon is his Harley Davidson.
Imperial Ned is shown what
look like a version of the Peltzer Bathroom Buddy and leaves without paying. Because
the Empire is Evil. Space Gepetto trails off, muttering to himself pathetically.
I: This is what the kids
H: It's just so boring.
More stock footage of two
star destroyers. Followed by redubbed footage of Vader and Imperial officer Chief
Bast, played by Leslie Schofield.
C: It's Jonny Briggs' dad!
H: And Reggie Perrin's son-in-law
There is a brief digression
while I hum the Jonny Briggs theme tune and then begin to wonder if it was in fact
the theme tune to Woof! instead.
Then back to the treehouse
of domesticity. Malla and Lumpy have finished the washing-up at last. Lumpy looks
like he's ready to go off on an adventure with Huck and Jim. Sadly we do not follow
the little guy on his adventure. Instead we are to be treated to perhaps the lowest
point in the entire show.
Malla plugs some kind of
tutorial tape into the kitchen viewscreen and we see Harvey Korman from Blazing
Saddles done up like a pantomime dame in what looks suspiciously like brownface.
He looks and sounds strangely like a Ronnie Barker character, or Charles Gray dressed
like someone from the planet Ork.
H: Ah, surely one of the
highlights now. The cookery bit.
I: I'd removed this it from
my mind.
H: I'm told he was spoofing
a particular TV chef in America called Julia Child. Like Fanny Craddock in the UK.
I: Ah, a cookery spoof. Just
what the kids are after.
The chef is called Gormaanda.
Two A's together, like a 60s Marvel monster.
H: It's a bit like a pantomime
'cake making' scene.
I: Every single bit that
they put into this is exactly what the Star Wars core audience are not going to
M: And this isn't even a
real recipe that you can use.
H: I like how Malla keeps
flicking her hair behind her ears. Do Wookies have ears though?
H: So TV people all got together
and said, "Right, Star Wars is a big hit. What were the good bits? Wasn't there
a bit with... cooking?"
I: "And… juggling?"
Gormaanda produces an extra
arm, to no hilarity whatsoever.
H: I mean, I know in Britain
at the time we only had three channels and if this was on I'd have had to watch
this, or the snooker or, I dunno, Nationwide. But in America, they must have had
something better on than this.
Gormaanda produces a fourth
arm. We can't believe the bold sci-fi vision behind this.
H: For the benefit of the
tape we are only 23 minutes through this.
I: Just another hour and
a bit to go.
H: Let's cling on to the
illusion that the cartoon will make this all worthwhile.
M: When will it end?
Stock footage of TIE Fighters
attacking the Falcon. Han and Chewie struggle to fight them off.
H: I've always like the 'pump
guns' on the Falcon. The ones that thrust in and out. It's not a sexual thing.
I: They're just very memorable.
Chewie seems to be quite
panicky and a lot more 'touchy-feely' in the Star Wars Holiday Special.
There is a brief discussion
about Chewie's exact role in the Falcon. He doesn't seem to bring a lot to the actual
operation of the ship in a combat situation, apart from making lots of wet goat
M: I think he's the navigator?
C: No, that's the computer.
He's the co-pilot, in case Han comes down with food poisoning in-flight.
H: I think that makes him
Dom DeLuise in Cannonball Run.
Back in the treehouse,
an annoying alert noise brings Malla and Itchy to the screen. Peter Cushing's younger
American brother lays down the law, Empire style.
H: Did he just call the planet
'Gazook'? I thought it was pronounced 'Kashick'. Gazook's the little alien in the
Flintstones, I think.
Space Gepetto turns up
at the treehouse and gives the Wookies presents in exchange for hairy kisses. It
looks like he's got Malla a sewing machine, because that's what all Wookie-mums
want. Lumpy gets a shoebox of electronic junk which he takes up to his spacious
H: I'm quite jealous of Lumpy's
bedroom if that's all his.
M: Yeah, but there's no door
on it. Everyone's going to see when he wants to have a wank.
I: I always thought Wookies
would have weird furniture where they all hang upside-down.
H: Or maybe a tyre on a rope?
Downstairs Space Gepetto
helps old Itchy into some sort of 'mento-hairdryer chair' and plugs in his present.
The old Wookie wriggles and gums with anticipation, like Albert Steptoe expecting
a bit of slap and tickle with the widow down the road.
Itchy's VR helmet summons
up an image of a space lady, played by Diahann Caroll.
H: She's wearing a Movellan
We are then subjected to
five minutes of what can only be described as Wookie porn. Maisie and CJ both volunteer
to go and make us more tea. Ian and I remain to sit it out, like MacReady and Childs
at the end of The Thing.
H: It's all gone a bit Shirley
Bassey. This looks and sounds like it should go at the beginning of Moonraker. Or
released as a double A-Side with Lois Lane's 'Can You Read My Mind'.
Granpa's expression is
very much that of Jon Voight 'appreciating' J-Lo in the movie Anaconda.
I: At least Itchy's getting
something out of this. He's clearly 'very happy'.
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Hairy Voight |
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Shaven Itchy |
Ian and I manage to get
through the Wookie porn sequence by ignoring what's going on on-screen and trying
to name all of the spaceknights in ROM.
It's Leia and Threepio
on the Secret Rebel Two-way TV screen!
They talk to Malla and
Gepetto for a bit. Nothing of note happens.
We discuss the rebels-as-terrorists,
and Luke's radicalisation by the charismatic preacher Kenobi.
Maisie and CJ re-enter
the room.
Back to the Falcon. Chewie
is still losing his shit. He and Han keep touching each other. Harrison Ford is
forced to say some really embarrassing lines. The Falcon flies over Gazook.
We discuss heteronormativity
in Wookie society and whether Chewie and Malla were forced into an arranged marriage,
when he'd really much rather be off with his Corellian pal Han.
Some Imperials turn up
at the treehouse.
H: Only two storm troopers?
Why doesn't Malla tear their bloody arms off?
I: I'm surprised Lucas didn't CGI in hundreds more storm troopers later.
I: I'm surprised Lucas didn't CGI in hundreds more storm troopers later.
The main Imperial officer
brings his Nazi A-game, doing the thing with the leather gloves. Lumpy almost gets
smacked in the head.
H: This bit's almost tense.
FORCE FACT: Patty Maloney,
the actress who played Lumpy also played a 'female' robot in Buck Rogers in the
25th Century. The robot may or may not have made sweet robo-love to Twikki.
The Imperial Nazis search
the G-plan furniture for Chewie while Space Gepetto makes a number of desperate
Bluff rolls, doing his best to distract them from the Secret Rebel Two-way TV screen.
Malla's new sewing machine, shaped rather like K-9, turns out to be yet another
entertainment device, as if the holo table and the porn helmet weren't enough.
We try to sing the K-9
and Company theme turn and then notice that various gadgets in the treehouse look
a bit like ORAC and Slave from Blake's 7.
C: We are 43 minutes in,
and are discussing any other sci-fi show except the one we're watching.
An Imperial buckethead
sits down to enjoy miniature Jefferson Starship performing Light The Sky On Fire.
They are dressed in a variety of Spinal Tap and Blake's 7 outfits.
H: Was that the opening chord
to 'Gloria' by Laura Brannigan?
The lead singer appears
to be singing into a battered saveloy or a very, very short lightsaber.
We pass the time by discussing
the artwork of Paul Gulacy and I do my world famous impression of the Melkur from
Doctor Who's The Keeper of Traken.
H: "Hey everyone, let's
watch the Star Wars Holiday Special! It's got... cooking, and Wookie porn... and
M: Something for everyone!
C: This is the bit I've enjoyed
most so far.
M: If I stabbed you in the
eye it'd be the bit you've enjoyed most so far.
The song ends, leaving
the Imperial buckethead visibly moved by the miniaturised performance.
There's some more faff
with Space Gepetto before he's finally thrown out. The Imperial Nazi Officer does
a half-decent one-man good cop-bad cop routine, like a low rent Christoph Waltz.
C: Do you think by then end
he'll discover the True Meaning Of Life Day?
H: No.
H: No.
Lumpy plays with yet another
electronic device. This one looks a bit like a Simon game. But no! It's actually
a cartoon-player! IT'S THE CARTOON.
![]() |
Repeat my flashing LIGHTS and SOUNDS. DO IT! |
M: Hang on a sec. How come
there are cartoons of the rebels? Who's making them?
I: You'd think the Imperials would crack down on this sort of seditious material.
I: You'd think the Imperials would crack down on this sort of seditious material.
H: This is how the rebels
radicalise the youngsters. Through animated adventures.
C: Is this the Ralph Bakshi
FORCE FACT: The Star Wars
Holiday Special cartoon was produced by Canadian animation company Nelvana, who
would later produce the Droids and Ewoks cartoons, as well as animating the singing
horses in Three Amigos!
H: The animation. It's a
bit… simplistic, isn't it? It reminds me of Danger Mouse.
M: If Danger Mouse was shit.
H: See, people say this is
the best bit of the Star Wars Holiday Special, but I think the rest of the show
sets such a low bar.
M: That doesn't even look
like Princess Leia.
H: That doesn't matter; she's
the only female in it.
Luke Artoo and Threepio
follow Han and Chewie down to a planet and crash-land in a sea of pink custard.
They're attacked by a hungry Nessie, which is then driven off by... BOBA FETT! On
a purple brontosaurus-unicorn.
FORCE FACT: This is the
first ever onscreen appearance of Boba Fett. Some 18 months before Empire Strikes
H: Yay! Boba Fett! 53 minutes
and 40 seconds in. Worth the wait?
C: You said 'Bobba'. It's
H: I had no idea. All these
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Brontosaurus, will you wait for me? |
They team up with Boba
Fett. There's some nonsense with an invisibility talisman. Luke and Han are left
hanging upside down for dubious medical reasons. Chewie and Boba Fett go off to
a nearby city seek a cure for them.
H: Chewie looks particularly
like Ms Lion from Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends in this.
M: He looks a bit like a
Dr Seuss person.
H: They should have just
kept the cartoon and ditched the rest of the cartoon.
M: I'm going to attempt to
sleep so I don't have any more pain.
H: You're taking the coward's
way out.
contacts Vader. He's totally not on the rebels' side.
M: Is he naughty then?
H: Come on, you know Boba
Fett's naughty. You know that much.
M: I don't know who Boba
Fett is.
After a brief Lumpy/Imperial
Officer interlude, we're back with the cartoon. Boba Fett and Chewie get into a
bit of a brontocorn/speeder chase with the some stormtroopers, then it's back to
the Falcon, where Threepio and Artoo swiftly inform the revived Han and Luke of
Boba's treachery who then escapes using his jet pack. Someone says something funny
and our heroes fly off. The End (of the cartoon).
H: It's OK, but it's no Space
Back in the treehouse,
the Imperials show their true villainy by trashing Lumpy's bedroom.
H: Oh, it's a little cuddly
bantha! I take it back, this show's brilliant.
I: I can't believe George
Lucas never sold cuddly banthas.
The imperial bastards pull
the head off the toy bantha. Lumpy is sad, and we are slightly moved.
H: This is the day that Lumpy
becomes, a man.
We hum the Binary Sunset
tune in tribute to the fallen bantha.
Lumpy salvages a busted
micro transmitter from his trashed bedroom and we are then subjected to Harvey Korman's
second role, in an onscreen space gadget maintenance tutorial. His character, dressed
as Dr Smith from Lost in Space, 'hilariously' malfunctions repeatedly. It's gripping
H: We've now moved on to
the 'repair and maintenance' segment of any successful holiday special. It's literally
like they tried to make the most boring thing they could.
Downstairs in the treehouse
living room, the Imperial bastards watch some sort of 'Life on Tattooine' reality
show, which for some reason the Empire has decided is morally instructive.
H: Hey it's the Mos Eisley
cantina! The Modal Nodes! Playing their one and only
tune, apparently. And Greedo! That werewolf guy! Muftak! Hammerhead! Walrus Man!
I: It's easy to forget what a big part of the original film the cantina scene
Bea Arthur, later of Golden
Girls fame, plays Ackmena the grumpy bartender. Harvey Korman, in his third and
final role enters the cantina. He plays Krelman, a pathetic stalker who drinks by
pouring booze into the open top of his head, like a mini Sarlacc. He's very keen
on Ackmena. It's either romantic or a bit creepy.
H: Why are there so many
old people in this show? I mean, I know that half of the old people are all Harvey
had been made with a British cast, instead of Art Carney, Bea Arthur and Harvey
Korman we would have had Arthur Lowe, Mollie Sugden and Stanley Baxter.
An Imperial broadcast from
Not-Peter Cushing imposes a Tattooine-wide curfew. Ackmena tries very unsuccessfully
to persuade her patrons to leave the cantina. It's basically a monologue.
H: Only 20 more minutes to
I: Hooray!
H: It's nice that they had
so many sitcom actors in this. They could have got the Fonz in too.
C: If the Fonz was in this,
he could have deactivated the Death Star just by banging on the wall.
C: They could have had the
cantina band playing the Marseillaise.
H: Yeah, they could have
done a good Mos Eisley Casablanca
The patrons refuse to leave
and stage a sit-in, banging their mugs on the tables.
C: This is like the bit in
Excalibur where Igraine does the sexy dance.
H: I think she's about to
climb up onto the bar and sing 'One Way Or Another'.
Ackmena does indeed break
into song, belting out 'Good Night But Not Goodbye', Ethel Merman style. The band
accompanies her by playing their one and only song.
I: It looks like they were
about to kick off with a big Conan-style bar room brawl, but they chose to go with
another song instead.
C: I am most terribly surprised
that they couldn't get Alec Guinness to appear in this. Ahem.
H: Is she singing to a giant
rat at that table?
C: Yeah, he's just finished filming The Talons of Weng-Chiang.
C: Yeah, he's just finished filming The Talons of Weng-Chiang.
I: If only Mr Sin would turn
up now.
H: If she's supposed to be
clearing them all out, she's doing a very bad job of it, singing and dancing like
I: Yeah, lights on, music
H: This sounds an awful lot
like 'Those Were The Days', or something from Cabaret.
Ackmena eventually uses
the power of song to conga the patrons out the cantina door. Having cleared everyone
out, she is 'rewarded' with a flower from creepy Krelman.
Back in the treehouse,
Lumpy pulls a clever stunt with his repaired micro transmitter and tricks the Imperials
into leaving, apart from one poor stormtrooper who's left behind to wait for Chewie
on his own.
H: Lumpy, that clever little
The stormtrooper catches
Lumpy in his bedroom with the transmitter and smashes it. For a moment we are worried
that we'll have to sit through the repair and maintenance tutorial again, but fortunately
Lumpy legs it outside instead, the stormtrooper in very slow pursuit, failing to
C: Is this one a good stormtrooper?
H: No, they haven't invented
good stormtroopers yet.
Han and Chewie turn up!
At last! Chewie does very little. Han tricks the stormtrooper and he falls through
some shoddily-built Wookie railing to plummet to his certain death. Hurrah!
H: What did Chewie do there?
I: It was lucky Han got there
in time. Chewie was just about to surrender.
I: Han's like, "Don't
worry everyone, I saved you."
H: And Malla's all, "You're
my real husband, Han."
Han: "You're like, family
to me."
Malla gives him a soppy
look in a soft zoom.
There is a lot of hugging
and wet goat noises as Han takes his leave and the four Wookies bond.
H: Han says, "Bye everyone.
Hope you don't get executed for killing that stormtrooper."
We discuss what chores
Malla has saved up for Chewie now he's back home. Possibly digging a sand pit out
Space Gepetto turns up
again to do a bit more flim-flam and saves the Wookies' bacon.
H: It's about time he turned
up again. He's the thin, watery paste that glues this plot together.
I: The true hero of the show.
Space Gepetto makes a critical
Bluff roll and somehow convinces Not-Cushing on the viewscreen that everything's
ticketty-boo at the treehouse. He may have been using a Jedi mind trick. There is
yet more hugging.
I: Didn't we just have this
scene with Harrison Ford?
Finally free to get on
with Life Day, the Wookies get a bunch of crappy crystal balls from the G-plan divider.
The lighting dims and this show finally looks like it has a bit of style.
H: I worry that those crystals
hold naked flames. That has to be a risk with all this flammable fur around.
C: I think Granpa's crystal
ball has a tiny hologram of another lady.
I: "It's Joan Collins!"
Slow fade to the Wookies
all wearing long red gowns, floating in space. We have no idea. They join a procession
of other space-bound Wookies, marching solemnly into a bright white light.
C: Don't go towards to the
H: It's almost the end of
the Star Wars Holiday Special. But wait! Surely there's more to enjoy.
Cut to some kind of dry-ice
disco cave full of robed Wookies. The sound of wet goats is deafening. Chewie and
the fam can be seen filing in.
H: This is purely a Wookie
thing, isn't it? No-one else really gives a stuff about Life Day.
C: "Oh here they come,
the Bacca family. Turning up once a year for Life Day after the pubs have shut."
Threepio and Artoo are
there. Threepio delivers a homily about emotions or something.
Luke, Leia and Han turn
up. There is yet more hugging.
Han: "All of you are
an important part of my life, pal. I'm glad I could be here."
H: He's probably thinking
"Only another 27 years and I can happily get murdered by my own son."
Leia gives a little sermon
about freedom and love and peace and courage while constantly stroking Chewie.
H: Right on sister.
To give Carrie Fisher credit,
she does her absolute best, and sings it pretty well. The sort-of Star Wars theme
playing in the background does it no favours though.
H: Beautiful.
I: Carrie "my mum was
in musicals" Fisher.
Then we get a jolly up-tempo
version of the Star Wars theme as Chewie remembers better times, i.e. clips from
A New Hope. Hey, at least we get to see the holo chess board.
H: Oh, I do like the 'medal
ceremony' music. Do you think Chewie will get a medal on Life Day?
H: Why are they showing us
all the good bits from actual Star Wars now? It's like they thought, "Hey everyone,
you've sat through an hour and a half of this farrago, you deserve something decent."
After Chewie's Greatest
Hits, we close with the Wookie family back in the treehouse, holding paws and bowing
their heads in reverence.
H: Are they having a sƩance?
I: Is this like that bit
in Swamp Thing #50 where they all sit around a table and then one of them blows
A slow zoom out from the
treehouse at night, its lights shining warmly.
H: "Goodnight John-Boy."
We finish with the credits
and the proper Star Was music, as those responsible are named and shamed. Director
Steve Binder in particular has a lot to answer for.
H: All the good bits of this
are... this music. That's about it.
H: CJ, as the... I don't
want to say virgin, coz nobody's a virgin having come through this. But now that
you've been blooded, initial thoughts?
H: Are you pleased that you've
seen it in any way?
H: Do you have anything to
take away from this?
C: The fact that I have nothing
to say, and I'm normally a gobshite, tells you everything.
H: This was voted as The
Worst Thing On TV many times. And it's not that it's hilariously bad. It manages
to be Just. Boring.
C: It promises nothing and
it delivers less.
H: How can you fail so badly
with Star Wars? You need some running around, some robots, some scary bits and some
death-defying bits. But "No, we don't want any of that."
I: Music... half-arsed comedy...
C: You know how at the beginning
we were joking about how bad this was going to be? I can't joke any more.
I: It's just boring.
H: It's a real effort to
sit all the way through it. It really is.
We then sit and watch the
original trailers for A New Hope and some old Kenner toy adverts, as a sort of palate
H: Don't worry, there's still
real Star Wars.
Maisie wakes up, the only
real winner amongst us.
* * *
Don’t watch it. Just don't.

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