It seems unfair to limit the suffering to them alone though, so here is part one, featuring the dashing, delightful Daretroopers from our 7TV series The Daredevils. The Daretroopers were essentially an elite trio of fighting women who would be called in by their bosses, the high-flying Daredevils, when a threat called for extra firepower.
As with all the OHMCS stories, I tried to build in references to their characters' actual skills and equipment, as seen on the game's stat sheets, obsessive that I am.
One last note: I originally wrote the story for three male characters, and only discovered late that the guys' had written the game with three female models in mind, so taking a leaf from the writers of the film Alien, I flipped the Daretroopers' genders without substantially changing their characters or dialogue. Astute readers might notice that they're loosely based on a far more famous (and male) trio of dashing warriors.
* * *
May narrowed her
eyes and concentrated on the target. Blocking out the noise, the heat and the
smoke all around her, she focussed solely on her breathing and keeping her hand
steady. Someone shouted her name somewhere off to one side, but she tuned it
out and took the shot.
“Double top!
I don’t believe it!” spluttered one of the pub locals as May strode over to the
board and retrieved her darts.
“Best of
three, wasn’t it? That would be twenty pounds, my dear chap.”
May, eyes
twinkling beneath a sandy blonde fringe, addressed the shaggy-haired young farmer
who was still gripping his own darts fiercely in one meaty hand.
“Best of
five.” The young man muttered back, eyeing her with mounting hostility.
“Sorry dear, it’s
past my suppertime and I was rather hoping to spend your hard-earned cash on a
pint and pie.” Still smiling, she put out a hand. “So cough up, there’s a good
The young
farmer scowled and lurched up off his barstool, coming close enough to breath
beerily into May’s face.
“I ain’t
paying you nothing,” he snarled, “You cheated, you did.”
The rest of
the locals in the pub caught the accusation and put their pints down, all eyes
on the brewing trouble by the bar.
“Now, now, no
need to get nasty, dear boy. There’s no shame in admitting defeat in the face
of a superior opponent.”
opponent’ – hark at her!” mocked one of the young farmer’s drinking partners –
a wiry fellow with close-set eyes. “Coming in here like she owns the place. Why
don’t she go back to her ruddy airfield?”
“Yeah, her
and her toffee-nosed girlfriends!” shouted another brave soul from somewhere
beyond the fruit machine. “I seen strange stuff over at that ‘flying school’.
Weird lights in the sky at night, trees all blown over one minute and all stood
back up the next!”
something not right about them lot!”
The murmurs
and grumbles grew from every part of the pub, as the locals began to get off
their stools and close in on May. A slender woman reading a book of poetry
looked up from her table with an expression of alarm.
May drew her
hand back, bunching it into a fist. But before she could take any action, a
dark woman in a fur-fringed leather coat detached herself from the jukebox and
moved between her and the young farmer.
“Easy there,
we’re just here for a quiet drink. Nobody wants a fight.” Her voice was
cultured, soft and calm, her eyes bright beneath finely arched brows.
“Says you, stewardess.”
Sneering out
the last words with sarcasm, the farmer waved a fistful of darts menacingly in
her face. May’s gaze flicked from the dark woman to the wicked metal tips and
back again. “Sorry April, I appear to have offended the natives’ local gods.”
Dark-haired April
didn’t take her gaze from the red-faced farmer before her, and sighed. “You
really don’t want to do-”
She got no
further when the farmer jabbed his fist toward her stomach with a drunken
explosion of breath, expecting her to jump back out of harm’s way. But April
didn’t move, and simply looked down at the farmer’s hand as he withdrew the dart
tips from her now punctured leather coat. There was no blood.
“What on..?”
With a quick
punch, April smashed the man in the jaw, who reeled back into a pair of his
fellow pub-goers as they surged forward, fists flying. May caught the first one
in a headlock and swung him round into the second.
Back to back
with April, they fought off the locals with feet and fists. Pints, stools and
ashtrays flew in all directions.
“Wearing your
bullet-proof vest to the pub? I thought you looked a little broad in the beam, sweetie.”
May shot a quick glance down to April’s punctured but unbloodied coat. “And we
may have to find ourselves another local pub, I fear!” she shouted above the
roar of the melee.
“I think this
was the last one in the county!” grunted April as she took a head-butt to the
ribs and replied with a well-placed elbow.
On the edge
of the scrum, the wiry man with the close-set eyes had scrambled over the bar
and retrieved the landlord’s shotgun and was even now moving in to let April
and May have it with both barrels.
Then he felt
something cold and hard and sharp at his throat. A gentle, well-mannered voice
whispered into the wiry man’s ear from behind. “I really wouldn’t do that if I were
The wiry man
froze, the shotgun now loose in his hands, as the owner of the voice moved
round to disarm him. It was the slender poetry reader, sliding a thin blade
back into the spine of her book. She looked down at the shotgun with something
like distaste, then shoved it forcefully into the man’s stomach, dropping him
to the floor with a breathless oof.
“Much obliged
June!” called May, catching her partner’s eye as she charged past, dragging a
dazed local by his belt. Behind her, April was throwing a man through the doors
of the ladies and apologising to whomever it was that squealed in alarm at the
The bell
above the bar suddenly rang and everyone stopped to look round. There, perched
on the bar, the bell in one hand and a packet of salted peanuts in the other,
was a most attractive young woman. “Time gentlemen, please! And ladies, of
The three women spoke at once.
“If I can
drag you girls away from your Saturday night fighting, duty calls.” She smiled
disarmingly, instantly defusing the air of violence in the pub, and hopped off
the bar. “Your chariot awaits without.”
April, May
and June followed her outside, stepping over groggy locals and spilt pints.
Parked immediately opposite the pub was a remarkable vehicle, twenty feet long,
like a strange sort of American stretch limousine, though surely no other car
looked like this, nor came in such a remarkable shade of sapphire blue.
Katrina Dare
climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car with low purring growl. April
took the passenger seat as the other two sat behind. “You called, Milady?” she
inquired coolly.
The car
pulled away smoothly, rolling out of the village and down the high hedged
country lanes.
“Yes indeed, April,
it seems we have need of you ladies’ skills once more.”
“What is it
this time, ma’am?” asked June, “A bomb on the trans-Australian express?”
“A tidal wave
bearing down on the royal yacht?” hazarded May.
“Swarm of
army ants marching on Rio, perhaps?” April added, with a tinge of dark humour.
“Not quite
that exotic, but something that definitely requires the particular abilities of
the Daretroopers.” Katrina took the strange car confidently down a winding
lane, its sides brushing the hedges on either side. A break in the foliage ahead
suggested a field entrance.
“You know of
course of S.H.I.V.A.?” The three women nodded. “Well, it seems the Guru is up
to another mad scheme, something which would explain the strange weather we’ve
been tracking worldwide.
“Where do you
need us, ma’am?” April braced herself as Katrina steered the vehicle sharply at
the break in the hedge and down a short track. Ahead of them loomed a sturdy
chain-link fence and a pair of locked gates, from which hung a sign bearing the
“I need you
three to take a little flight with me. I hope you’ve all kept up with your
parachute training. We’re going to be dropping in on the Guru and his friends.”
She put her
foot down and accelerated towards the chain-link gates. The women all grabbed
onto something, even though they knew what was coming. At a touch of a button
on the car’s dashboard, the gates suddenly fell backwards to lie flat on the
ground, just as the vehicle streaked through the gap and rattled over the
metalwork into the airfield.
“I will never
get used to that.” muttered May. June raised her eyebrows in agreement. Katrina
was a Daredevil by nature as well as name.
As she
briefed them, Katrina drove the car at breakneck speed over the grassy airfield
to a low hangar whose doors swung back and forth in the wind. She brought it to
a skidding halt just inside, leaping out and racing toward the hulk of an old
aeroplane resting in the centre of the hangar.
“I say, we’re
not going in that, are we?” asked June,
trotting behind her with the others. The aeroplane was little more than a metal
skeleton, the remains of an old Lancaster bomber.
“To begin
with yes,” replied Katrina as she clambered up into the cockpit “It’s something
Charlie’s been working on.”
“But, it
doesn’t even have any wings!” April scowled at the hulk suspiciously, but had
long come to accept that there was often more to the Dares’ vehicles than met
the eye.
Sure enough,
no sooner had they all climbed aboard the wingless bomber than it tilted
forward alarmingly on hidden hydraulics, even as the hangar floor itself
dropped away to reveal a dark sloping tunnel, complete with tracks large enough
to accommodate the Lancaster’s fuselage.
stomachs collectively lurched as the bomber slid down the tunnel with
increasing speed, the smooth round walls flashing by them in a blur.
Somehow, without
the Daretroopers noticing, Katrina had managed to change into her uniform as
they whizzed along to catch a very special connecting flight.
“How did
you..?” began May, but then the bomber burst out of the tunnel to emerge into
the Daredevil’s secret base, where land, sea and air vehicles of the most
fantastic designs stood ready to launch.
Katrina was
already out of her seat and sprinting across the floor. “Next stop: the
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